AI Integrations & Automations

AI automation solutions to improve customer service and enhance your company’s operations
AI & Workflow Automations

Some of the 1,000+ platforms we can help automate

AI & Automations with Salesforce
AI & Automations with Shopify
AI & Automations with Google Drive
AI & Automations with Mailchimp
AI & Automations with HubSpot
AI & Automations with Microsoft

Ways AI can help

Automate Email & SMS Marketing

Automatically send every customer's email and other details to your email or SMS marketing software and then create workflow automations to send follow-up emails based on time, action or some other metric.

Improve Customer Service

Incorporate AI into your website's Chat-bot or Help Desk to send relevant replies back to customers before engaging with a person. We've found that more than 75% of customer service requests can be answered with AI.

Create and Segment Lists

Group your customers by purchase, city, gender or any other metric and then send out marketing or other campaigns based on their habits.

Review Requests & Management

Easily request reviews from your clients or customers, and limit any negative reviews by using the power of machine learning and Net Promoter Score.

Automate Quotes & Invoices

Integrate AI into your invoicing workflows so after a quote is approved an invoice is sent, payment is requested, and your team is notified.

Archive & Retain Client Data

Sync invoices, product photos, or customer data with your Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox or other online storage account so your data is always safe and accessible.

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